
September 2024

Move Them or Lose Them

Initial findings from a research partnership between Define American and Harmony Labs to understand the media patterns of people who are moderate and open to change on issues concerning immigrants and immigration policy.

Download Part 1

About the Report

At Define American, we believe that powerful storytelling can shift perspectives and create lasting change. Understanding who we are speaking to, where they spend their time, and what resonates with them is essential to building narratives that make an impact. In this first installment of our research findings with Harmony Labs, we dive deep into the media habits of the “moveable middle”—those in the moderate middle who have the potential to shift toward pro-immigrant attitudes and actions. This foundation allows us to design narratives that resonate and persuade, meeting people where they are in their media landscapes. In Part One – Knowing the Audience, we focus on who they are, what they care about, what drives them to action, and how to reach them.

To uncover these insights, Harmony Labs analyzed a year of media consumption data from news, TV, film, and social media. They identified four key audience segments within the moveable middle who are open to pro-immigrant perspectives and moveable:


Taking Responsibility

Social rule-followers, interested in culture and invested in their local communities.

Following The Plan

Church-goers who respect authority and are interested in helping others.

Doing My Own Thing

Autonomous pleasure-seekers interested in fun, play, relaxation, personal growth, and fandoms.

Getting It Done

DIY go-getters, interested in action and practical solutions. *Over a quarter of this audience are immigrants themselves.

Where They Get Their Stories

Our research reveals that these audiences do not look to national news for their information about immigrants and immigration.

What’s Next? 

Part One is just the beginning. In future installments of the Move Them or Lose Them series, we’ll explore how to craft narratives that move the needle on immigration issues and share strategies for reaching these audiences effectively across different platforms. For now, understanding the media behaviors and values of the moveable middle is the first step toward calibrating our narrative strategies for more effective narrative change.

Download the report to get started.

Contact the Team

Research Inquiries or further details about this report: 

Sarah E. Lowe
Director, Narrative Research and Evaluation


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